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Chinese translation for "feeding bottle"


Related Translations:
bottle:  n.〔英方〕(干草等的)束,堆。 look for a needle in a bottleof hay 干草堆里找针,吃力不讨好,徒劳无益。短语和例子bottle1n.1.瓶;一瓶的量。2.〔the bottle〕奶瓶;(瓶装)牛奶。3.〔the bottle〕酒;饮酒。4.(装酒,油等的)皮囊。短语和例子a wine bottle 酒瓶。 a bottle of win
bottling:  n.装瓶;灌注。 a bottling machine 装瓶机。
black bottle:  黑药(尤指三氯乙醛)。
dropping bottle:  【医学】点药瓶。
ink bottle:  墨水瓶。
bottle holder:  1.瓶托,瓶架。2.【拳击】(拳击选手的)副手。3.后援(人)。
bottle gourd:  【植物;植物学】葫芦。
case bottle:  (装箱)方瓶;有套瓶。
vacuum bottle:  热水瓶。
bottle cap:  瓶盖。
Example Sentences:
1.Specification for babies ' elastomeric feeding bottle teats
2.Method for analysis of hygienic standard of nipple of a feeding bottle
3.Manufactures baby products including feeding bottles , pacifiers and diapers
4.Use thoughts and actions together in speech and in play in a way that makes sense , like “ sleepy , go take nap ” and “ baby hungry , feed bottle
用思想和行动统一起来,在讲话和游戏的方式是有道理的,如"瞌睡,继续采取行动" , "宝宝饿了,吃奶瓶"
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